Water quality is important
We have many families who have lived in the area for generations who remember how fish and yabbies used to be so plentiful. Things have changed, but our local waterways are still quite clean but we need to keep them healthy for future generations. Some people in the area use creek water in their homes.
Most of us have a creek on our property or close by. The water in our creeks and dams comes from rain or our properties so we have a direct effect on the water quality. Native plants and animals, the oyster and fishing industries, and recreational users downstream all depend on this water.
What can we do?
Reducing pollutants:
- Use nil or low phosphorus cleaners and detergents
- Use fertilisers and artificial chemicals sparingly
- Maintain our septic systems in good condition
- Collect livestock manure and dispose of it carefully to avoid nutrient runoff
- Have only native fish and dispose of aquarium waste away from waterways
Reducing erosion:
- Keep grazing animals away from waterways to avoid eroding banks
- Let rain water flow gradually to the creeks and thru the ground to filter out pollutants
- Leave woody debris in creeks to slow the water flow and reduce erosion
- Revegetate areas next to creeks and dams with native trees, shrubs and grasses
Good regular maintenance of septic systems
Further information
Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority: http://hn.cma.nsw.gov.au/topics/2094.html
For information on the Hawkesbury River health, managing nutrients and protecting creeks
Hunter Central Rivers CMA:
NSW Government Primary Industry: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/environment/water
For information on farm dams, irrigation and water quality
Hornsby Shire Council: www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au For information on legal requirements for properties and waterways
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