Living here provides unexpected highlights when we encounter the diverse and fascinating wildlife. It’s easy to take their presence for granted… the family of Blue Wrens that visits your garden, the spectacular parrots chattering in the treetops, wallabies grazing in the backyard, exquisite lizards and pythons, owls, cormorants… the list seems endless.
But their existence is at risk, and the key problem is us. They are suffering from our impact on their habitat through land clearing, pollutants washed into waterways, damage to the watercourses, the introduction of weeds, and predators in the form of our pets, all threaten their existence.
What can we do?
Many of the actions we can take are just common sense.
We can protect and provide habitats. Leave areas of bush intact with its leaf litter, ground covers, bushes and small trees. These provide shelter for the most vulnerable inhabitants such as the small mammals, lizards, tiny birds. Leave hollow logs and dead trees as refuges for shelter and raising young. If there are no suitable trees on your property hang bird, bat and possum boxes. These can be bought or made from plans found on the internet.
Plant native species. Their seeds and nectar provide a well-balanced diet. Hand feeding wildlife can spread disease and create population imbalances.
Link these bush areas with corridors to provide safe passage for its inhabitants and add ponds where no water naturally occurs.
And most importantly…
Plant species from our local area as they best suit our wildlife’s needs.
Further information
Hornsby Council:
Atlas of Living Australia:
Wires NSW:
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